Being engaged opens doors to opportunities, connections, and growth—it’s the best choice you can make to shape your school experience.
-Superintendent Jason Manuel
All in One Place
- Stay on top of your academics with tools like Skyward and Schoology.
- Connect with school services like counselors, tutors, and tech support.
- Learn the essentials about dress codes, attendance, behavior, and safety.
- Explore extracurricular opportunities like sports, clubs, and leadership programs.
This hub is all about helping you navigate your time in GMSD so you can focus on what matters most—your growth, passions, and achievements. Dive in and take charge of your student journey!
How-to-Student in GMSD
Every day counts—consistent school attendance is key to academic success and building lifelong habits.
Tardiness and Check-Ins:
Late arrivals must check in at the office with a note or a parent. Excessive tardiness can result in disciplinary action or truancy reporting.
Absence Notes:
Parents must provide a written note within 5 school days explaining absences. Beyond 10 absences, a doctor’s note is required. *Schools may decide on a shorter window for the submission of written notes.
Tiered Truancy Interventions:
GMSD follows a 3-tier system to address attendance issues:
- Tier 1: School counseling and support.
- Tier 2: Attendance contracts and regular follow-ups with students and families.
- Tier 3: More serious interventions, including community service, or legal actions.
School Safety
GMSD offers a comprehensive school safety team, including school resource officers in every school.
If you see something, say something.
Safe Reporting
Germantown Municipal School District offers Anonymous Alerts®, a secure platform designed for students to report safety concerns, bullying, or other critical issues within our schools. This tool ensures your voice is heard while allowing you to choose anonymity or identify yourself.
School Safety Highlights
- All school doors are locked during the day to keep everyone safe. Visitors must check in at the office, show ID, and wear a visitor badge.
- If you see someone on campus without a visitor badge, let a teacher or staff member know immediately.
- Security cameras are in place to monitor school grounds and help ensure safety.
- Bullying and Cyberbullying: Report bullying to a trusted adult. GMSD has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment or intimidation, whether in person or online.
- Weapons and Prohibited Items: Never bring anything dangerous to school. If you see something unsafe, report it immediately.
- Mental Health Support: If you're feeling stressed or need help, counselors are available.
Behavior & Dress Code
Dress & Conduct Codes
Schools may adopt specific dress code rules, but in general, students may wear what they choose within the following guidelines:
- Clothes should be neat, modest, and free of offensive images or language.
- Hats, hoods, and other head coverings may not be allowed indoors unless for religious or medical reasons.
- Dress appropriately for school to avoid distractions and maintain a positive learning environment
- If you're unsure about what's allowed, check your school's handbook or ask a teacher or administrator.
Students are expected to be kind and respectful to everyone at school, including your peers, teachers, and staff:
- Bullying, harassment, or any form of intimidation is strictly prohibited. Report any incidents to a trusted adult.
- Use school property responsibly—damaging or defacing property could result in disciplinary actions.
- Keep personal devices like cell phones away during class unless your teacher says otherwise.
- Do not bring prohibited items, including drugs, alcohol, or weapons, to school.
If you make a mistake, take accountability. Most discipline focuses on helping you learn from your actions and make better choices.
Technology & Internet Use
All students are given a device for learning.
Blended Learning combines technology-enhanced learning with face-to-face teaching to create a personalized experience tailored to each student’s needs. This model gives students more control over the time, place, path, and pace of their learning while preparing them for college and future careers. By integrating devices students already use daily, GMSD engages learners in meaningful ways, improving achievement, attendance, and overall engagement.
In GMSD, all students have access to their own devices to supercharge their learning:
- Middle and High School Students: Each student is issued a Chromebook after completing a few quick setup steps.
- Elementary Students (K-5): iPads (K-3) and Chromebooks (4-5) are available for every student, managed by classroom teachers for in-class use.
Tips for Student Technology
Taking Care of Your GMSD Device
Taking good care of your school-issued device is essential to keep it working well and ready to support your learning. Here’s how to ensure your GMSD device stays in great condition:
1. Handle Your Device with Care
- Always carry your device in its protective case or with both hands. Avoid grabbing it by the screen.
- Keep your device away from food, drinks, and extreme temperatures to prevent damage.
- Don’t place heavy objects on your device or cram it into a crowded backpack.
2. Keep It Clean and Charged
- Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the screen and keyboard. Avoid sprays or harsh chemicals.
- Charge your device fully each night so it’s ready for the school day. Use only the charger provided by GMSD.
3. Report Issues Quickly
- If your device isn’t working properly or gets damaged, report it to your teacher or tech support team right away. Early reporting can prevent bigger problems.
- Lost or stolen devices should be reported immediately so they can be located or replaced.
Internet & Digital Conduct
As a GMSD student, using the internet and technology responsibly is key to ensuring a safe and effective learning environment. Here's what you need to know:
Follow the Rules
- Use the internet for educational purposes only as outlined by GMSD.
- Prohibited activities include:
- Sending offensive messages or pictures.
- Using obscene language or engaging in harassment.
- Damaging computers or attempting unauthorized access (hacking).
- Violating copyright laws or using others' passwords.
- Using the network for personal commercial purposes.
Understand Monitoring and Consequences
- GMSD reserves the right to monitor all computer and internet activity, including emails and files.
- Filtering software blocks harmful or inappropriate content, and any violations will be addressed through district disciplinary procedures.
- Students will also receive instruction on internet safety to help you use technology effectively and securely.
Staying Safe Online
Practice good computer etiquette
- Protect your personal information—never share private details like your address, phone number, or passwords.
- Access only appropriate websites and avoid downloading programs or software without permission.
- Cyberbullying or sharing harmful content will not be tolerated.
- If you encounter anything suspicious or unsafe online, report it to a teacher or administrator right away.
- Think before you post—your digital footprint matters and can affect your future opportunities.