Teaching, Learning, and Assessment » About Our Department

About Our Department

Profile picture for GMSD TLA: Teaching, Learning, & Assessment
The work of the Teaching, Learning & Assessment Department is directed by the district’s mission to "Cultivate the knowledge and skills that empower our students to achieve their full potential as lifelong learners and contributing global citizens.” 

The TLA team provides district leadership that supports the development, implementation, and evaluation of rigorous, relevant academic programs.  

Our goal is to provide a guaranteed, viable curriculum which meets the diverse needs of all students while preparing them for postsecondary success. The department analyzes and reports the accountability results of our schools’ TCAP state assessments, directs curriculum alignment and pacing, and supports schools with data interpretation.

The team also provides professional development opportunities throughout the year for teachers and administrators that include examining existing curriculum, lesson design, content alignment, research-based instructional methods, and school improvement strategies.