Intellectually Gifted Evaluation Process
Navigating the Gifted Evaluation Process
In Tennessee, giftedness falls under special education eligibility. Child find procedures include an annual systematic screening process for all students. The screening process includes reviews of multiple sources of data, including:
- State achievement testing
- RTI2 screening data
- Teacher checklists
- Group-administered criterion- or normed-referenced assessments
Based on the systematic screening results, school teams determine if further individual screening is needed or if the student should be referred for a comprehensive evaluation. State screening permission forms and result forms are to be utilized. Individual screening involves multiple components. These components include:
- Parent information
- Observations and checklists
- A review of the continuum of programming including interventions that have been attempted
- Individual achievement assessments and/or academic measures
- Creative thinking rating scales or assessments
If all components of the screening are met, then the student is referred for a special education evaluation in suspicion of Intellectual Giftedness, specifically in the area of cognition.
In order to be eligible for special education under Intellectually Gifted, both prongs of eligibility are required.
- The student meets the criteria for a disability consistent with Tennessee State Regulations.
- The disability adversely impacts educational performance in the student’s learning environment.
If you suspect that your child may require specially-designed instruction due to Intellectual Giftedness, please contact your school administration team or our school psychologists.