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Peer Model Application

A teacher holds a student bowl of ice cream and smiles. The student looks down with a happy expresssion!

Peer Models in Early Childhood Preschool Programs

Germantown Municipal School currently has eight early childhood preschool programs located in our four elementary schools that serve students identified with disabilities, ages 3-5. The GMSD Early Childhood Preschool Program is an excellent learning environment that offers preschoolers, with and without disabilities, a challenging instructional experience to provide maximum growth in all developmental areas. 

The Peer Model Program provides an opportunity for typically developing children to be integrated into our Early Childhood classrooms to serve as role models four our children with disabilities. Peer models provide positive peer interaction, demonstrate play skills, and model appropriate language and behavior for children with disabilities while in the classroom setting. If at any point during the year, your child does not demonstrate these behaviors, you will be asked to leave the program. If false information is provided on your application, this will also result in dismissal from the program. 

All GMSD preschool classrooms currently have seven to ten peer models selected to serve as role models for students with disabilities. Each of the eight programs offers intentional learning activities in small and large groups that are facilitated by a preschool teacher and educational assistants. Our goal is to provide our students with a strong foundation of core skills to be successful in kindergarten and beyond. 

*Number of classrooms, classroom design, and peers needed are fluid based on annual district and student needs.*

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Two boys sit at a table in a classroom working on a hands-on project with paper and glue. They are both smiling at the camera. 
Young girl in a classroom looks at the camera curiously while working with some kind of modeling clay. 
A young boy dressed for the cold stands in a grassy field. He is smiling at the camera as he holds a large kite with a dinosaur on it. 
Young boy in a classroom points to something out of frame while smiling. He is excitedly leaned over a hands-on project on the table in front of him. 

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Screening Process

The screening process includes one session within a preschool classroom at the school in which you are zoned to attend. Your child will engage in classroom activities focused on play-based activities that allow teachers and staff to observe their interactions with same-age peers. Observations will be documented and a rubric will be scored during this session to look at the following areas: readiness, problem solving, language, communication, social skills, and motor skills. Results will be totaled, and the children who score the highest will be offered a spot as a positive peer model. 

Positive peer model spots are limited in number. Please remember that not all students who participate in the screening process will be offered a spot as a positive peer model. 

Estimated Timeline of Application & Screening Process


The application window opens January 6, 2025 and closes on January 19, 2025.

*Applications must be submitted by January 19, 2025. Late applications will not be considered.* 

Screening Appointments

For those selected for a screening appointment, an email covering scheduling will be sent to their parent by January 24, 2025

Screening appointments (one session lasting approximately two hours) will take place at your zoned school during January 27, 2025 and February 7, 2025.


Parents will receive an email no later than March 1, 2025 regarding their child's screening results.

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Peer Model Applications

Click on your zoned school's logo to apply. Applications open on January 6, 2025. 

Dogwood Elementary School

Farmington Elementary School

Forest Hill Elementary School

Riverdale K-8 School

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