Employment Resources
Welcome to the GMSD Staff Resources page, your one-stop destination for important employment information and tools. From essential workplace policies and guidelines to updates on new Tennessee laws affecting educators, you’ll find everything you need to stay informed and supported. Explore resources like the Employee Handbook, pay calendars, and salary schedules, as well as critical reporting tools like Anonymous Alerts for confidentially addressing workplace or safety concerns.
Our award-winning Human Resources Department is here to ensure your success and well-being. If you have questions, need assistance, or want to suggest additional resources, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re just a phone call or email away! Contact us today and let us help you navigate your journey with GMSD.
Explore What GMSD Has to Offer
Employee Handbook
- Tennessee Teacher Code of Ethics
- Reporting suspected child abuse and/or neglect
- Educator’s Obligation to Staying Current Professionally
- Advancing a TN Teaching License
- Employment at Will
- Equal Opportunity and Commitment to Diversity
- Conflicts of Interest and Confidentiality
- Employment Relationship
- Workplace Safety
- Workplace Guidelines
- Employee Leave Policy
- Guidance for Grievances
- Employee Handbook Acknowledgement 2024-2025
Tennessee Teacher Code of Ethics
Educator’s Professional Standards (Annual Training on Professional Standards)
(a) An educator shall strive to help each student realize the student's potential as a worthy and effective member of society. An educator therefore works to stimulate the spirit of inquiry, the acquisition of knowledge and understanding, and the thoughtful formulation of worthy goals.
(b) In fulfillment of this obligation to the student, an educator shall:
(1) Abide by all applicable federal and state laws;
(2) Not unreasonably restrain the student from independent action in the pursuit of learning;
(3) Provide the student with professional education services in a nondiscriminatory manner and in consonance with accepted best practices known to the educator;
(4) Respect the constitutional rights for the student;
(5) Not unreasonably deny the student access to varying points of view;
(6) Not deliberately suppress or distort subject matter relevant to the student's progress;
(7) Make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning or to health and safety;
(8) Make reasonable effort to protect the emotional well-being of the student;
(9) Not intentionally expose the student to embarrassment or disparagement;
(10) Not on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, marital status, political or religious beliefs, family, social or cultural background or sexual orientation unfairly:
(A) Exclude any student from participation in any program;
(B) Deny benefits to any student; or
(C) Grant any advantage to any student;
(11) Not use professional relationships with students for private advantage; and
(12) Not disclose information about students obtained in the course of professional service, unless disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose or is required by law;
(13) Not knowingly make false or malicious statements about students or colleagues;
(14) Ensure interactions with the student take place in transparent and appropriate settings;
(15) Not engage in sexually related behavior with the student, whether verbal, written, physical, or electronic, with or without the student’s consent. Sexually related behavior includes, but is not limited to, behaviors such as making sexual jokes or sexual remarks; engaging in sexual kidding, sexual teasing, or sexual innuendo; pressing the student for dates of sexual favors, engaging in inappropriate physical touching, groping, or grabbing; kissing; rape; threatening physical harm; and committing sexual assault;
(16) Not furnish alcohol or illegal drugs or unauthorized drugs to the student;
(17) Strive to prevent the use of alcohol or drug or illegal or unauthorized drugs by the student when the student is under the educator’s supervision on school or LEA premises, during school activities, or in a private setting;
(18) Refrain from the use of alcohol while on school or LEA premises or during a school activity at which students are present, and
(19) Maintain a professional approach with the student at all times.
In fulfillment of this obligation to the profession, educators shall:
- Administer state mandated assessments fairly and ethically; and
- Conduct themselves in the manner that preserves the dignity and integrity of the education profession
- An educator who has personal knowledge of a breach by another educator of the teacher code of ethics prescribed in state statutes 49-5-1003 and 49-5-1004 shall report the breach to the educator’s immediate supervisor, director of schools, or local board of education within thirty (30) days of discovering the breach.
- Failure to report a breach of the teacher code of ethics, or to file a report of any criminal activity or other misconduct that is required by federal or state law, is a breach of the teacher code of ethics.
- Annual training concerning this teacher code of ethics and its requirement must be conducted by all LEAs. This professional development training shall address what constitutes unethical conduct.
Source: TCA 49-5-1003
Reporting suspected child abuse and/or neglect
Reporting suspected child abuse and/or neglect
It is the legal duty of every employee to report any suspected cases of child abuse and neglect to the Department of Children Services (TCA 37-1-403i). You may report such abuse or suspicions of abuse to the hotline specifically for school personnel at 1-855-209-4226 or 1-877-237-0004 (general public reporting line). Reports should include sufficient information to allow the Department of Children’s Services to conduct an investigation. For the safety of the child, school personnel should never attempt to investigate suspected cases of abuse or neglect. Employees making a report must also complete the GMSD Child Abuse Reporting Form that is sent confidentially to the District Student Services Department. Detailed questions and the attainment of such a form should be directed towards this department.
Formal interviews with students and other investigative procedures are the responsibility of the Department of Children Services. If the Department of Children Services conducts any interviews on school premises, the principal and staff must comply with allowing access for the child to be interviewed by the appropriate DCS personnel, as it is their charge to conduct an investigation.
Any employee who fails to report suspected child abuse or neglect may be found guilty of a class A misdemeanor and/or subject to a fine of up to $2500 if the child is subsequently harmed due to lack of reporting. (TCA 37-1-403a).
Educator’s Obligation to Staying Current Professionally
In order to advance or renew a TN Teaching License, an educator must earn a certain number of Professional Development Points (PDPs) during the validity period of his/her teaching license.
To earn PDPs, an activity must be related to improving educator effectiveness by:
- developing content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, or pedagogical content knowledge; or
- enhancing educator effectiveness (e.g., world language courses for those working with students for whom English is a second language, or coursework that supports understanding and use of data).
The following provides information about how PDPs may be earned and identifies acceptable PDP options, number of PDPs awarded, and required documentation.
Option |
PDPs Awarded |
Required Documentation |
Professional Learning |
1 clock hour = 1 PDP |
Certificate, transcript, or verification |
Professional Learning |
1 micro-credential earned through a state-approved provider = 5 PDPs |
Digital certificate provided by state- |
Continuing Education |
1 continuing education unit (CEU) = |
Certificate or transcript |
College/University |
1 semester hour credit = 10 PDPs |
Transcript |
Overall level of effectiveness rating (approved TN model) |
Overall Score of 5 = 20 PDPs |
Information is maintained by the department. No additional documentation is required; points may be accrued annually. |
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) |
Initial Certification = 30 PDPs Renewal Certification = 15 PDPs |
Official documentation from NBPTS |
Advancing a TN Teaching License
To advance to a practitioner/apprentice license, educators must have
- 25 months of teaching experience and
- one of the following:
- a recommendation of the director of schools or
- 30 PDPs earned during the validity period of the license.
Educators may apply to advance the license as soon as requirements are met.
TNCompass access is provided to all teachers in the district where they can procedurally apply to an advanced license status as it is their own responsibility to do as such. Assistance can be requested by contacting the GMSD HR Office.
Once a Practitioner license is advanced, please inform the GMSD HR Office, so the new expiration date and type of license can be documented in Skyward.
Requirements to Renew a Professional License
To renew a professional license, educators must submit 60 PDPs during the validity period of the license.
Educators may apply to renew the license beginning September 1 of the year preceding the expiration date on the license.
TNCompass access is provided to all teachers in the district where they can procedurally apply to renew their professional license status as it is their own responsibility to do as such. Assistance can be requested by contacting the GMSD HR Office.
Once a Professional license is renewed, please inform the GMSD HR Office, so the new expiration date can be documented in Skyward.
For more detailed information on Tennessee Department of Education Licensing information, this link/ and contact information is of value:
https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html or you can contact educator.licensure@tn.gov to connect with a State Licensure Specialist for direct personal assistance.
Employment at Will
Employment at GMSD is on an at-will basis unless otherwise stated in a written individual employment agreement signed by our superintendent.
This means that either the employee or the company may terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, in accordance with Board Policy, with or without notice for those employees not protected by tenure laws as described in Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49.
Nothing in this employee handbook is intended to or creates an employment agreement, express or implied. Nothing contained in this or any other document provided to the employee is intended to be, nor should it be, construed as a contract that employment or any benefit will be continued for any period of time.
Any salary figures provided to an employee in annual or monthly terms are stated for the sake of convenience or to facilitate comparisons and are not intended and do not create an employment contract for any specific period of time. Employees are reminded of our HR Policy when it comes to staff schedules and work-load expectations pending their job classification.
Further, the GMSD School Board is empowered to establish salaries and benefits for authorized positions and to establish and approve policy, procedures and programs for its employees. The Board is further responsible for giving the Superintendent full administrative authority to properly discharge the professional duties of his/her office and hold him/her responsible for acceptable results. The Superintendent works within the framework of policies established and approved by the Board.
Only the Superintendent, acting on behalf of the school board, has the authority to enter into an employment contract with any individual employee and it must have a definite duration and be in writing. If a teacher decides to resign during the summer months, 30 days- notice before the upcoming school year is the required amount of notice to leave in good standing. This will allow time to find a properly qualified replacement.
Equal Opportunity and Commitment to Diversity
Equal Opportunity
GMSD provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, age, disability, gender identity, results of genetic testing, or service in the military. Equal employment opportunity applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leave of absence, compensation, and training.
GMSD expressly prohibits any form of unlawful employee harassment or discrimination based on any of the characteristics mentioned above. Improper interference with the ability of other employees to perform their expected job duties is absolutely not tolerated.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Reasonable Accommodation
To ensure equal employment opportunities to qualified individuals with a disability, GMSD will make reasonable accommodations for the known disability of an otherwise qualified individual, unless undue hardship on the operation of the business would result.
Employees who may require a reasonable accommodation should contact the Human Resources Department at 752-7900.
Commitment to Diversity
GMSD is committed to creating and maintaining a workplace in which all employees have an opportunity to participate and contribute to the success of the organization and are valued for their skills, experience, and unique perspectives. This commitment is embodied in company policy and the way we do business at GMSD and is an important principle of sound business management.
Harassment and Complaint Procedure
Sexual and other unlawful harassment is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), as amended, as well as many state laws. Harassment based on a characteristic protected by law, such as race, color, ancestry, national origin, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, religion, age, disability, veteran status, or other characteristic protected by state or federal law, is prohibited.
It is GMSD’s policy to provide a work environment free of sexual and other harassment. To that end, harassment of GMSD’s employees by management, supervisors, coworkers, or nonemployees who are in the workplace is absolutely prohibited. Further, any retaliation against an individual who has complained about sexual or other harassment or retaliation against individuals for cooperating with an investigation of a harassment complaint is similarly unlawful and will not be tolerated. GMSD will take all steps necessary to prevent and eliminate unlawful harassment.
Definition of Unlawful Harassment. “Unlawful harassment” is conduct that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment; has the purpose or effect of substantially and unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance; or otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment opportunities because of the individual’s membership in a protected class.
Unlawful harassment includes, but is not limited to, epithets; slurs; jokes; pranks; innuendo; comments; written or graphic material; stereotyping; or other threatening, hostile, or intimidating acts based on race, color, ancestry, national origin, gender, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, age, disability, veteran status, or other characteristic protected by state or federal law.
Definition of Sexual Harassment. “Sexual harassment” is generally defined under both state and federal law as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature where:
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of any individual’s employment or as a basis for employment decisions; or
- Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
Other sexually oriented conduct, whether intended or not, that is unwelcome and has the effect of creating a work environment that is hostile, offensive, intimidating, or humiliating to workers may also constitute sexual harassment.
While it is not possible to list all those additional circumstances that may constitute sexual harassment, the following are some examples of conduct that, if unwelcome, may constitute sexual harassment depending on the totality of the circumstances, including the severity of the conduct and its pervasiveness:
- Unwanted sexual advances, whether they involve physical touching or not;
- Sexual epithets, jokes, written or oral references to sexual conduct, gossip regarding one’s sex life, comments about an individual’s body, comments about an individual’s sexual activity, deficiencies, or prowess;
- Displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, or cartoons;
- Unwelcome leering, whistling, brushing up against the body, sexual gestures, or suggestive or insulting comments;
- Inquiries into one’s sexual experiences; and
- Discussion of one’s sexual activities.
All employees should take special note that, as stated above, retaliation against an individual who has complained about sexual harassment and retaliation against individuals for cooperating with an investigation of sexual harassment complaint is unlawful and will not be tolerated at GMSD.
In Accordance with Policy 6.3041, Hazing
The Germantown Municipal School District believes that hazing activities of any type are inconsistent and disruptive to the educational processes and prohibited at any time in school facilities, on school property, and/or off school property if the misconduct is connected to activities or incidents that have occurred on school property. No administrator, faculty member, or other Board of Education employee shall encourage, permit, authorize, condone, or tolerate any hazing activities. No student shall plan, encourage, or engage in any hazing.
As defined by TCA 49-2-120, “hazing” means any intentional or reckless act in this state, on or off LEA property, by one (1) student acting alone or with others, that is directed against any other student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of that student or that induces or coerces a student to endanger that student’s mental or physical health or safety. “Hazing” does not include customary athletic events or similar contests or competitions and is limited to those actions taken and situations created in connection with initiation into or affiliation with any organization.
Administrators, faculty members, and other employees of the Board shall be alerted to possible situations, circumstances, or events that might include hazing. If hazing or planned hazing is discovered, the students involved shall be informed by the discoverer of the prohibitions contained in this policy and shall be ordered to end all hazing activities or planned activities immediately. All hazing incidents shall be reported immediately to the Superintendent. Students, administrators, faculty members, and other employees who fail to abide by this policy may be subject to disciplinary action and may be held personally liable for civil and criminal penalties in accordance with law.
The Superintendent shall distribute this policy to all students and Board employees, and shall incorporate it into building, staff, and student handbooks. It shall also be the subject of discussion at employee staff meetings or in-service programs.
Administrators, staff members and volunteers shall not intentionally remain ignorant of hazing or potential hazing activities.
Complaint Procedure. Any employee who believes he or she has been subject to or witnessed illegal discrimination, including sexual or other forms of unlawful harassment, is requested and encouraged to make a complaint. You may, but are not required to, complain first to the person you feel is discriminating against or harassing you. You may complain directly to your immediate supervisor, the HR director, or any other member of administration with whom you feel comfortable bringing such a complaint. Similarly, if you observe acts of discrimination toward or harassment of another employee, you are requested and encouraged to report this to one of the individuals listed above.
No reprisal, retaliation, or other adverse action will be taken against an employee for making a complaint or report of discrimination or harassment or for assisting in the investigation of any such complaint or report. Any suspected retaliation or intimidation should be reported immediately to one of the persons identified above.
All complaints will be investigated promptly and, to the extent possible, with regard for confidentiality.
If the investigation confirms conduct contrary to this policy has occurred, GMSD will take immediate, appropriate, corrective action, including discipline, up to and including immediate termination.
For additional detailed information, please see HR Policy 5.500, if you need additional guidance regarding our harassment and complaint procedures.
Anonymous Alerts: Furthermore, GMSD has an Anonymous Alerts Reporting System by the use of an Anonymous Alert Reporting Site. The objective of this site is to keep our system operable, safe, and a healthy place to work as we serve students, each other, and their families. Some common reporting issues could include, but are not limited to, theft/fraud, harassment (Staff to Staff, Staff to Student), retaliation, or coming to work under the influence. Confidentiality rights will be protected except for those rare cases where someone is a threat to themselves or a threat to others, and when the law dictates that the text-tip is requested by an attorney/judge via subpoena.
Conflicts of Interest and Confidentiality
Conflicts of Interest
GMSD expects all employees to conduct themselves and company business in a manner that reflects the highest standards of ethical conduct, and in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. This includes avoiding real and potential conflicts of interests. HR Policy, 5.601, provides additional guidance on GMSD expectations on this topic.
Exactly what constitutes a conflict of interest or an unethical business practice is both a moral and a legal question. GMSD recognizes and respects the individual employee’s right to engage in activities outside of employment which are private in nature and do not in any way conflict with or reflect poorly on the company.
It is not possible to define all the circumstances and relationships that might create a conflict of interest. If a situation arises where there is a potential conflict of interest, the employee should discuss this with an immediate supervisor for advice and guidance on how to proceed. The list below suggests some of the types of activity that indicate improper behavior, unacceptable personal integrity, or unacceptable ethics:
- Any pecuniary transaction, indirectly or directly, by a professional employee or school board member concerned with supplying books, maps, school furniture, and/or other apparatus to the school system of employment or to act as agent for anyone is expressly forbidden by statute (TCA: 49-6-2003)
- All employees, including non-faculty employees and school volunteers, are prohibited from requiring current or prospective students to participate on club teams, AAU teams, or any other program or event in which an employee/volunteer is compensated.
- Individual tutoring or any types of coaching/instruction for compensation to any student currently enrolled in a staff member’s school, during the school year.
- Individual tutoring or any types of coaching/instruction for compensation, to any student attending a summer instructional program or instructional camp at which the teacher is working during the summer break.
- Selling items or soliciting money for personal gain or profit during school hours or at an off-campus event attended by students and staff.
- Soliciting, referring, or encouraging students into programs, schools, or universities for personal compensatory gain.
Additionally, political literature may not be distributed through the school to staff, students, nor sent home to parents, nor placed in teachers’ mailboxes, lounges, or on school premises.
Confidential Information
The protection of confidential business, employee and student information is vital to the interests and success of GMSD. Confidential information is any and all information disclosed to or known by you because of employment with this school district that is not generally known to people outside of GMSD about its business.
An employee who improperly uses or discloses confidential GMSD information will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment and legal action, even if a 3rd party does not actually benefit from the disclosed information.
All inquiries from the media must be referred to the District Office Public Relations Supervisor.
Employment Relationship
Employment Classification
In order to determine eligibility for benefits and overtime status and to ensure compliance with federal and state laws and regulations, GMSD classifies its employees as shown below.
Exempt. Exempt employees are paid on a salaried basis and are not eligible to receive overtime pay.
Non-Exempt. Non-exempt employees are paid on an hourly basis and are eligible to receive overtime pay for overtime hours worked. Prior approval from a non-exempt employee’s supervisor must be granted before overtime pay will be allocated.
Regular, Full-Time. Employees who are not in a temporary status and work a minimum of 30 hours weekly and maintain continuous employment status. Generally, these employees are eligible for the full-time benefits package and are subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of each benefits program.
Regular, Part-Time. Employees who are not in a temporary status and who are regularly scheduled to work fewer than 30 hours weekly and who maintain continuous employment status.
GMSD may review or change employee classifications at any time.
Work Week and Hours of Work
The standard workweek is from Saturday 12:00 a.m. until Friday 11:59 p.m. Office hours at the District Office are defined by the Superintendent or his designee. School Office Hours are posted on the GMSD website.
Hours and Work Schedules for Licensed Employees The normal school day for teachers is seven and one-half hours. They are expected at their place of duty before and after classes in order to fulfill their professional responsibilities. Any departure from campus during the normal school day, when students are present, must be requested through the building principal. Teachers have a hallway supervisory expectation of students 15 minutes before school and 15 minutes after school.
Teacher Planning Periods: Individual planning time shall consist of 2. 5 hours each week during which teachers have no other assigned duties or responsibilities other than planning for instruction. The 2.5 hours may be divided on a daily or other basis.
Non-licensed Employees Non-licensed employees are paid for the number of hours worked depending on their assigned position. They are expected to be at their place of duty when the school day begins. District Office support personnel have different starting and ending times based on scope of work requirements and their immediate supervisor’s expectations.
Meal and Rest Breaks
Non-exempt Employees are entitled to a 30-minute unpaid meal break each day. Employees are also entitled to two 15-minute rest periods each day. Meal and rest breaks will be scheduled by the direct supervisor at the District Office or the Principal, or his or her designee at the schools.
Teachers are entitled to a duty-free lunch at the same length of time as the students in the building which they serve.
Time Records
Employees are required to complete accurate weekly time reports showing all time actually worked. These records are required by governmental regulations and are used to calculate regular and overtime pay for non-exempt employees and are used for attendance purposes for exempt employees.
When required due to the needs of the school district, non-exempt employees may be asked to work overtime. Overtime is actual hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek. Nonexempt employees will be required to complete this form, an Employee Compensation Reconciliation Overtime Request Form, with his or her supervisor for prior approval for overtime pay considerations. Forms can be provided by direct supervisors.
GMSD’s pay period for all employees is bimonthly. If pay day falls on a federal holiday, or weekend employees will receive their paycheck on the preceding workday. Paychecks are directly deposited into the employees checking and/or savings accounts.
Access to Personnel Files
The Superintendent or his/her designee shall be authorized to maintain administrative records as outlined in GMSD Policy HR 5.114-Personnel Records and to permit inspection of the same.
Records accessible to the public will not include medical records, teacher performance evaluation scores, college transcripts, fingerprint background checks, and other security check information such as social security numbers, personal phone numbers, address, etc.
Licensed employee evaluations and other instruments of communication between the teacher and the principal will be maintained in a secured file in the principal’s office, of the school of assignment. Similar files of principals and supervisors shall be maintained in the Office of the Superintendent.
Non-licensed employee files are also maintained in the Office of the Superintendent. They contain copies of the employment application, resume, licenses, insurance / retirement documents, physical exams, payroll forms and evaluations.
All employees are required to promptly notify the District Office Staff of any personal changes affecting insurance, payroll, marital status, dependent changes, license / endorsement and educational level.
Access to the file of non-licensed personnel is granted after the employee provides reasonable notification to the District Office staff. Employee requested copies of these documents would be made with the cost borne by the employee at the established rate.
Medical and other Insurance Products: All regular full-time new employees will go through Open Enrollment (OE) within 30 days of their start date. After Open Enrollment, employees will not be allowed to change their benefit case until the next enrollment period unless they experience a Qualifying Event.
If an employee feels he/she has a Qualifying Event, the employee will need to reach out to the Human Resources Department, so it can be determined if the employee is eligible, by IRS standards, to change, cancel or add benefits. A GMSD Employee has 30 days from the event to notify the Human Resources Department of his/her request. If notification of the event is after 30 days, the next window of opportunity to change benefits will be during the District’s yearly Open Enrollment.
Once it has been determined that an employee has a Qualifying Event and is eligible to change, add, or drop coverage from his/her benefits case, the Human Resources Department will email the employee documentation to complete and instructions on the steps to take to change the benefit case.
Benefit Vendor Contact Information:
Lucent Health Solutions (LHS)- Medical |
1-800-411-3650 |
WellDyne Prescription Drug Benefit |
1-888-479-2000 |
Metlife Dental |
1-800-GET-MET8 |
Davis Vision |
1-877-923-2847 |
Concern- Employee Assistance |
901-458-4000 or 1-800-445-5011 |
American Fidelity: Flexible Spending Acct |
1-800-662-1113 opt #3 |
American Fidelity: Short-Term/Disability, Accident, Cancer |
1-800-662-1113 opt #4 |
Dearborn: Life and Long Term Disability |
1-800-721-7987 |
Retirement: GMSD employees eligible for retirement may elect to retire according to the provisions set forth from Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS). The GMSD Human Resources Department can assist employees with the TCRS application process as well as determining eligibility and enrolling in post-retirement benefits through the district. Employees considering retirement are encouraged to meet with a TCRS Retirement Counselor at least one year prior to retirement to determine pension amounts. In addition, all employees are eligible to meet with a Retire Ready Retirement Plan Advisor at any time during their employment with GMSD to discuss retirement investment options available while employed in a TN public school. Please contact the GMSD Human Resources Department for additional information.
Separation from Employment
In all cases of voluntary resignation (one initiated by the employee), non-exempt employees are asked to provide a written notice on the GMSD Separation Notice form to their supervisors at least 10 working days in advance of the last day of work. The 10 days must be actual working days. Holidays and paid time off (PTO) will not be counted toward the 10-day notice. Employees who provide the requested amount of notice will be considered to have resigned in good standing and generally will be eligible for rehire.
For those positions that directly impact students, certified licensed educators, and/or exempt status employees have an expectation of written notice (using the GMSD Separation Notice) of thirty (30) calendar days in advance of resignation unless the Superintendent, or his designee consents in writing to the resignation with less prior notice.
In most cases, Human Resources will conduct an exit interview on or before the last day of employment to collect all company property, and to discuss final pay. If applicable, information regarding benefits continuation through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) will be sent to the employee’s home address and/or personal email address.
Should it become necessary because of business conditions to reduce the number of employees or work hours, this will be done at the discretion of GMSD.
Report of Arrest
If an employee is arrested for any reason, the employee is to notify his/her immediate supervisor and the Human Resources Department within forty-eight (48) hours of the arrest. Appropriate disciplinary action up to, and including, dismissal will take place if this notice is not provided as required.
Workplace Safety
Drug-Free Workplace
It is the policy of GMSD to maintain a drug- and alcohol-free work environment that is safe and productive for employees and others having business with this school system.
The unlawful use, possession, purchase, sale, distribution, or being under the influence of any illegal drug and/or the misuse of legal drugs while on company or school premises or while performing services for the company is strictly prohibited. Any employee in violation of this prohibition shall be subject to immediate suspension and eventual dismissal. Furthermore, off-the-job use of drugs, alcohol or any other prohibited substances which results in impaired work performance, including, but not limited to, absenteeism, tardiness, or harm to the school system’s image or relationship with the community is prohibited.
All employees are subject to reasonable suspicion drug testing and are required to submit to substance screening as outlined in Board Policy HR 5.403- Drug & Alcohol Testing for Employees.
Smoke-Free Workplace
Smoking is not allowed on school campuses or work areas at any time. “Smoking” includes the use of any tobacco products, electronic smoking devices, and e-cigarettes containing nicotine cartridges.
Workplace Violence Prevention
GMSD is committed to providing a safe, violence-free workplace for our employees. Due to this commitment, we discourage employees from engaging in any physical confrontation with a violent or potentially violent individual or from behaving in a threatening or violent manner. Threats, threatening language, or any other acts of aggression or violence made toward or by any employee will not be tolerated. A threat may include any verbal or physical harassment or abuse, attempts to intimidate others, menacing gestures, stalking, or any other hostile, aggressive, and/or destructive actions taken for the purposes of intimidation. This expectation covers any violent or potentially violent behavior that occurs in the workplace or at school or District sponsored function.
All GMSD employees bear the responsibility of keeping our work environment free from violence or potential violence. Any employee who witnesses or is the recipient of violent behavior should promptly inform their supervisor or the Human Resources Department. All threats will be promptly investigated. No employee will be subject to retaliation, intimidation, or discipline as a result of reporting a threat in good faith under this guideline.
Any individual engaging in violence against the district, its employees, or its property will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. All acts will be investigated, and the appropriate action will be taken. Any such act or threatening behavior may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
GMSD prohibits the possession of weapons on its property at all times, including our parking lots. Additionally, while on duty, employees may not carry a weapon of any type. Weapons include, but are not limited to, handguns, rifles, automatic weapons, and knives that can be used as weapons (excluding pocket knives, utility knives, and other instruments that are used to open packages, cut string, and for other miscellaneous tasks), martial arts paraphernalia, stun guns, and tear gas.
Commitment to Safety
Protecting the safety of our employees and visitors is the most important aspect of running our school district.
All employees have the opportunity and responsibility to contribute to a safe work environment by using common sense rules and safe practices and by notifying supervisors when any health or safety issues are present. All employees are encouraged to partner with management to ensure maximum safety for all.
In the event of a work related injury, all GMSD employees are to immediately notify their supervisor of their injury and to contact their School Nurse for initial treatment as well as to initiate Worker’s Compensation procedures.
Commitment to Employee Well-Being
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a resource designed to provide highly confidential and experienced help for employees in dealing with issues that affect their lives and the quality of their job performance. GMSD wants employees to be able to maintain a healthy balance of work and family that allows them to enjoy life. The EAP is a confidential counseling and referral service that can help employees successfully deal with life’s challenges.
The district encourages employees to use this valuable service whenever they have such a need. Employees who choose to use these counseling services are assured the information disclosed in their sessions is confidential and not available to the district, nor is the company given any information on who chooses to use the services. For questions or additional information about this program, employees may contact the Human Resources department or refer to the GMSD Benefits Booklet found on our webpage.
Emergency Closings
GMSD will always make every attempt to be open for school and business. In situations in which some employees are concerned about their safety, the district office will inform departments that the office is not officially closed, but anyone may choose to leave the office if he or she feels uncomfortable.
An inclement weather memo will also be established to discuss days when the office has to be closed and how it will impact pay for non-exempt employees.
Workplace Guidelines
All employees are expected to arrive on time, ready to work, every day they are scheduled to work.
If unable to arrive at work on time, or if an employee will be absent during work hours, the employee must contact the supervisor as soon as possible and/or use the employee absentee reporting platform as directed by the immediate supervisor.
Failure to show up or call in for your scheduled time without prior approval may result in termination due to job abandonment. Job abandonment may be treated as a resignation and benefits will end as if the person had submitted a resignation letter.
Job Performance
The evaluation of performance and its effectiveness must be a cooperative and a shared endeavor on the part of the Superintendent and administrative and supervisory personnel. The Board will use a state-approved model for evaluating school administrative and supervisory personnel and will approve standard forms to be used in evaluating support personnel. The Superintendent is responsible for ensuring that all administrative and supervisory personnel are evaluated annually.
Licensed Teaching Personnel The Board has adopted the TEAM Evaluation Model. The Superintendent will draft procedures to ensure that the model is implemented throughout the school system. Additionally, the Superintendent will provide information to all licensed teaching personnel regarding the nature of the evaluation and the grievance procedures prescribed by the Tennessee State Board of Education.
Non-Licensed Personnel Newly hired, non-licensed administrative/support personnel will be evaluated once during the first ninety (90) days and at least one (1) additional time during the first year of employment. Non-licensed personnel employed for more than one (1) year will be evaluated at least once a year. Evaluations will be used as an aid in improving an employee's performance and as a basis for continued employment. Evaluation reports will be discussed with the evaluated employee. Each employee will be given a copy of the evaluation and will sign the supervisor's copy as evidence it has been discussed.
Outside Employment
Licensed personnel have specific restrictions regarding moonlighting in education jobs as identified in Title 49, TCA. Otherwise, there are no restrictions on outside employment for any employee as long as this employment does not adversely impact Board employment. Also, the conflict of interest provisions must be observed.
Non-exempt employees are permitted to work a second job as long as it does not interfere with their job performance with GMSD. Employees with a second job are expected to work their assigned schedules. A second job will not be considered an excuse for poor job performance, absenteeism, tardiness, leaving early, refusal to travel, or refusal to work overtime or different hours.
If outside work activity causes or contributes to job-related problems, it must be discontinued, or the employee may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Dress and Grooming
GMSD provides a casual yet professional work environment for its employees. Even though the dress code is casual, it is important to project a professional image to our stakeholders, visitors, and coworkers. All employees are expected to dress in a manner consistent with good hygiene, safety, and good taste. Please use common sense. Your direct supervisor has the authority to redirect you in your choice of dress after consulting with the Human Resources Department for advisement.
Social Media Acceptable Use
GMSD encourages employees to share information with co-workers and with those outside the district for the purposes of gathering information, generating new ideas, and learning from the work of others. Social media provides inexpensive, informal, and timely ways to participate in an exchange of ideas and information. However, information posted on a website is available to the public and, therefore, GMSD has established the following guidelines for employee participation in social media. Note: As used in this policy, “social media” refers to blogs, forums, and social networking sites, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, among others.
Off-duty use of social media. Employees may maintain personal websites or web logs on their own time using their own facilities. Employees must ensure that social media activity does not interfere with their work. In general, GMSD considers social media activities to be personal endeavors, and employees may use them to express their thoughts or promote their ideas.
On-duty use of social media. Employees may engage in social media activity during work time provided it is directly related to their work, approved by their supervisor, and deals directly with the mission and vision of the district. The district does have the capabilities and authority to review an employee’s personal social media accounts.
Respect. Demonstrate respect for the dignity of the school district as defined by the Staff Ethics policy, HR 5.611. A social media site is a public place, and employees should avoid inappropriate comments. It is highly advisable to avoid the use of ethnic slurs, personal insults, or obscenity; or use language that may be considered inflammatory towards staff members, district initiatives, and/or stakeholders that have a direct nexus to your scope of work as an employee. Even if a message is posted anonymously, it may be possible to trace it back to the sender.
Confidentiality. Do not identify or reference GMSD students without express permission. Employees may write about their jobs in general but may not disclose any confidential student information due to FERPA laws.
Computers, Internet, Email, and Other Resources
GMSD provides a wide variety of communication tools and resources to employees for use in running day-to-day business activities. Whether it is the telephone, voice mail, fax, scanner, Internet, intranet, e-mail, text messaging, or any other company-provided technology, use should be reserved for school-related matters during working hours. All communication using these tools should be handled in a professional and respectful manner.
Employees should not have any expectation of privacy in their use of a district computer, phone, or other communication tools. All communications made using district provided equipment or services including email and internet activity, are subject to inspection by the district. Employees should keep in mind that even if they delete an email, voicemail or other communication, a copy may be archived on the company’s systems.
E-mails that are not job-related have the potential to drain, rather than enhance, productivity and system performance. You should also be aware that information transmitted by email is not completely secure, and information you transmit and receive could damage the district’s reputation.
The district encourages employees to use this tool only to communicate with fellow employees, direct supervisors, district office staff or stakeholders who ask reasonable updates on pertinent matters that are aligned with one’s job description.
Internal and external e-mails are considered school/business records and may be subject to discovery in the event of litigation and an open records request from the general public. Be aware of this possibility when sending e-mails within and outside the district.
Refrain from using e-mail in a manner that violates any of our district guidelines/policies, including but not limited to the Equal Opportunity and Harassment policies, the Conflict of Interest Policy, etc. Delete any e-mail messages prior to opening that are received from unknown senders.
It is the district’s goal to respect the dignity of employees at all times. Because e-mail, telephone and voicemail, and internet communication equipment are provided for district business purposes and are critical to the district’s success, your communications may be accessed without further notice by Information Technology department administrators and district management to ensure compliance with this guideline.
The electronic communication systems are not secure and may allow inadvertent disclosure, accidental transmission to third parties, etc. Sensitive information should not be sent via unsecured electronic means.
Lastly, office telephones are for business purposes. While the district recognizes that some personal calls are necessary, these should be kept as brief as possible and to a minimum.
Use of Board Owned Property
Board owned property and equipment will not be removed from Board facilities unless the property / equipment is required to support an approved off campus activity or for the conduct of recognized operations in other Board facilities, such as maintenance or training.
Employee-Developed Materials
Intellectual property and materials that are developed by an employee as part of regular employment are the properties of the school system as referenced by GMSD Instructional Services Policy 4.405- Employee-Developed Materials.
Employee Leave Policy
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
All full-time employees who have been employed with the school system for at least 12 months and have at least 1250 hours of service during the 12 months before the leave is requested may be eligible for up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave, for themselves, with continuing health benefits. Further, when illness affects a spouse, parent, child, brother/sister, and certain in-laws the employee may also be eligible for this leave. Questions regarding eligibility should be directed to the Human Resources Department for further clarification and certification of eligibility. FMLA leave requires District Office approval. Please see GMSD HR Policy 5.305: Family and Medical/Military Caregiver Leave for information on FMLA general principles, restrictions, and requirements of the Board.
Recognized Paid Holidays
These holidays, when approved, are announced in the school system’s annual calendar.
District Office
District Office employees need to refer to Policy HR 5.310, which gives specific provisions on allotted days for vacation days. Vacation days are allotted by years of service in 12-month positions based on a set schedule.
Licensed and Non-Licensed Personnel
The allocation of vacation, personal and sick days vary among job classification and the differing work year of some employees. Policy HR 5.310 gives specific provisions on Vacations and Holidays. Personal leave days are also specifically defined in the aforementioned policy.
Other Leave
The Board recognizes the following paid/unpaid leave for all employees:
(a) Jury Duty. Regular salary continues during this leave, but the district has the discretion to have the employee reimburse the Board for the per diem.
(b) Court leaves when duly subpoenaed. The Superintendent approves this leave upon being provided information regarding the need for the appearance and a copy of the subpoena.
(c) Military leave is granted while the employee is on active duty with reserve or guard units. A copy of active duty orders must be submitted to the Superintendent.
(d) Legislative leave. Approved for employees elected to State level law making bodies. This is unpaid leave.
(e) Maternity leave for licensed personnel is granted leave for a period of four months with medical verification/certification from their physician. Licensed personnel on maternity leave may request for additional unpaid bonding time with their newborn or newly adopted/foster child not to exceed one year.
(f) Maternity leave for non-licensed personnel is granted for a period of four months with medical verification/certification.
(G) Paid Parental Leave for licensed personnel is granted for up to six work weeks after the birth of a baby, stillborn birth, or adoption to be taken within a twelve month period. This leave applies to births, stillborn births, or adoptions on or after May 11, 2023.
Both classifications for maternity leave as well as paid parental leave require 30 days advance notice of the anticipated date of departure, length of requested leave and the intention to return to full time employment.
Requests for other types of leave or leave when days are exhausted must be requested in writing for District approval. All leave except for Jury Duty and Court leave requires written request to the District for approval.
How to Request Time Off in SKYWARD:
Log into Skyward’s Employee Access portal
Login ID is the employee’s firstname.lastname. Password is unique to the employee or the last 4 digits of the employee’s Social Security Number if it is the first time ever logging into the Skyward system.
Click on the tab Time Off, then select My Requests. Click the Add button on the right-hand side.
Click on the drop-down arrow to the right of Time Off Code and select the appropriate code and then select the appropriate reason. You can put an explanation in the Description box, if needed:
- Other Leave Days – select this only for these reasons: Board or School Approved Absence, Inclement Weather (classified employees only), Jury Duty, or Professional Development. An employee must type in an explanation in the Description box if time off is School Approved or Board Approved.
- Examples: Field Trip for a school approved absence, or
- CPI Training for a Board Approved absence.
- Personal Leave Days – to use for an employee’s allocated Personal day(s)
- Sick Leave Days – an employee can select either sick for him/herself or a family member. Per policy HR 5.302, Employee Sick Leave: Sick leave shall be defined as: illness of a certified employee from natural causes or accident, quarantine, or illness or death of a member of the immediate family of a teacher, including the certified employee's wife or husband, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, mother-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in- law, son-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law.
- Unpaid Leave Days – An employee will need to select Unpaid if he/she does not have any personal or sick days to use, or if the employee has used his/her personal day(s) but needs time off for reasons other than sick.
- Vacation Leave Days – if an employee is a 12-month employee and earns vacation days.
Leave For One Day Only: If an employee’s Time Off Request is for just 1 day, click the circle in front of Single Days and then enter the date. In the Days box, enter 1. If an employee needs to take ½ day, put .5 in the Days box.
Leave For more than One Day: If an employee’s Time Off Request is for more than 1 day, click the circle in front of Date Range and then enter the start and end date.
If an employee uses the date range box for unpaid sick days and the days fall between pay periods, Skyward will take all of the employee’s unpaid sick days from the first pay period and not spread them over both pay periods. An employee should check with his/her Financial Secretary (or review the Payroll Calendar found on the GMSD website under Staff Resources) for the pay period dates and then put in 2 entries for the days in each pay period.
Click Save on the right-hand side and the request will go to the employee’s Supervisor for approval.
If an employee needs to modify his/her Time Off Request before his/her Supervisor has approved it, the employee must delete it and create a new request. To delete a Time Off Request: Log into the Employee Access portal, click on Time Off and then select My Status. Click on the little arrow to the left of the type of leave that the employee needs to delete. Look for the Time Off Request under the Pending Time Off heading. Click on the D to left of the request to delete it. If an employee needs to modify a Time Off Request after his/her Supervisor has approved it, the employee will have to call Pat Pritchard in HR, 752-7914, and ask her to make the changes needed.
Guidance for Grievances
Information from TEAM-tn.org
T.C.A. § 49-1-302, State Board of Education rule 0520-02-01, and State Board of Education Teacher and Administrator Evaluation Policy 5.201 require districts to implement local-level grievance procedures to provide a means for evaluated teachers and principals to challenge the accuracy of the data used in the evaluation and adherence to the evaluation policies adopted by the State Board of Education. As final scores are being returned to educators, please keep the following guidelines in mind regarding grievances:
Grounds for Grievances
1. Accuracy of the Data—Evaluation data must be linked correctly to the right teacher. This does not mean that educators can grieve a disagreement of a score or the formula used to determine the score.
2. Procedural Errors—Educators may grieve procedural errors that could materially affect or compromise the integrity of evaluation results. This includes not having met the minimum number of required observations for each domain or not having appropriate pre- and post-conferences.
Timing of Grievances
To comply with the State Board of Education evaluation rule, grievances may be filed at the end of each of the three components of the evaluation model:
• The qualitative appraisal, or the final average observation score
• The student growth measures
• Other measures of student achievement
A grievance must be filed no later than 15 days from the date teachers and principals receive the results for each component, otherwise the grievance will be considered untimely and invalid. Grievances may be filed at any point in time prior to the 15 day windows.
• Districts must clearly communicate the decision in writing within 15 days of receipt of the complaint.
Please click here additional information on GMSD’s specific grievance procedures and grievance form.
All grievance procedures were written in accordance with:
GMSD Policy 5.109
Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-1-302
Tennessee State Board of Education Rule 0520-01-01
Tennessee State Board of Education Policy No. 5.201
Employee Handbook Acknowledgement 2024-2025
I hereby acknowledge receipt of the employee handbook of Germantown Municipal School District. I acknowledge, understand, and agree that it is my responsibility to read and comply with the policies/procedures in the handbook.
Print Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________________
Employee Signature: _________________________ Work Location: _________________
New TN Laws For Educators
Educators are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these laws to ensure adherence to state requirements and to understand their implications in the classroom.
- School Safety Enhancements: New measures have been implemented to improve school safety, including provisions for arming certain school personnel and enhancing security protocols. Details on these laws can be found in the Tennessee Department of Education's 2024 Legislative Report. Tennessee Government
Curriculum Content Restrictions: Legislation has been passed restricting the teaching of certain concepts related to race and gender in public schools. Educators are advised to review these restrictions to ensure compliance. Tennessee Government
Educators are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these laws to ensure adherence to state requirements and to understand their implications in the classroom.
Parental Notification Requirements: A new law mandates that school personnel notify parents if a student requests to be identified by a different name or pronoun, affecting how teachers address and support students. Tennessee Government
Safe Reporting
Germantown Municipal School District offers Anonymous Alerts®, a secure platform designed for staff to report safety concerns, bullying, or other critical issues within our schools. This tool ensures your voice is heard while allowing you to choose anonymity or identify yourself.
How It Works:
- Submit Concerns Anonymously or Openly: Share your observations or concerns through the app or online system with district administrators or school staff.
- Secure, Encrypted Communication: All reports are confidential and can include screenshots, photos, or videos to provide critical context.
- Convenient Access: Use the platform anytime to ensure swift attention to safety or workplace concerns.
Access the Tool:
- Online Reporting: Submit a Report
- Mobile App: Download the Anonymous Alerts® app from the Apple Store, Google Play, or Chrome Store. Log in with the username and password: germantownmsd.