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Facility Usage

Renting Our Facilities

We are proud to serve as a community partner by offering our classrooms, labs, lecture spaces, gyms, and event spaces for rental to local organizations and partners. This page provides all the details on how to rent a space, including the process, guidelines, and required documentation for renters.

Looking for a space for your next event?  

Contact zac percoski for further inquiries

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How to Apply

1.  Find out if the space you desire is available by contacting the school principal or his/her designee to schedule a time to view the facilities and/or to determine if the date and time of your event can be accommodated. To book spaces in our district office, including the 'Community Room', please contact Jo Ellen Druelinger.

2.  Once the principal or his or her designee has approved the event, submit the following to the Office of Operations:

  • Facility Usage Request Form
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the Germantown Municipal School District as additional insured 
  • Facilities Usage Agreement 
  • Proof of your organization’s 501 C-3 status, if applicable

This should be sent by email to Zac Percoski or by fax at 901-757-6479. All forms must be submitted a minimum of fourteen (14) business days in advance of the requested use. The Office of Operations is responsible for getting all signatures of final approval and will provide an invoice for payment.
3.  Payment of the full rental fee must be received 10 business days prior to the date of use. Acceptable forms of payment include cashier’s check, money order, and cash. Remit all payments with a copy of the invoice to Germantown Municipal School District, Attn: Office of Operations 3350 Forest Hill Irene Road, Germantown, TN 38138.  Rates vary by user type, date, and location.

4.  The Office of Operations will provide a rental permit authorizing the use of the facility for the dates and times requested. The permit must be in the possession of the group/organization at the time of the event.

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Germantown Municipal School District logo