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The Role of the School Counselor

School counselors are professional educators with a mental health perspective who understand and respond to the diverse challenges faced by today’s student population. They are integral members of the educational team, working collaboratively with teachers, parents/guardians, administrators, and school staff to support student success. All counselors in GMSD schools are licensed professionals with a master's degree or higher in school counseling. They meet state certification/licensure standards and adhere to the ethical guidelines set by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA).

School counselors focus on three key domains:

  • Academics
  • Personal/Social Development
  • Postsecondary/Career Readiness
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School Counseling Services in GMSD

Each GMSD school is staffed with professional school counselors who provide a wide range of services, based on the Tennessee Model for School Counseling and the ASCA National Model. These services include:

  • Developmentally appropriate classroom guidance lessons
  • Individual and small group counseling
  • Consultation and collaboration with parents, teachers, administrators, support staff, and community agencies
  • Staff development and professional training
  • Parent seminars and workshops
  • Referrals to social services and mental health agencies
  • Prevention and intervention programs
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Classroom Guidance 

Classroom guidance lessons are provided to all students, with frequency varying by grade level (bi-weekly, monthly, or weekly, depending on the school schedule). In grades K-5, these lessons are taught by school counselors. In grades 6-12, they are co-taught with classroom teachers.

GMSD integrates three primary character education programs into its counseling guidance curriculum: Character Strong, Quaver, and Second Step. These programs are designed to empower students with critical skills for thriving in both academic and personal aspects of life. Emphasizing the principles of Be Kind, Be Strong, and Be Well, these curriculums help promote personal growth and resilience. 

For more detailed information, including instructional materials and an overview of the classroom guidance topics, please visit the individual school counseling websites.

Key Lesson Topics Include:

  • Rules and Expectations
  • Goal Setting
  • Listening Skills
  • Organization and Time Management
  • Emotion Regulation
  • Self-Regulation
  • Bullying Prevention and Empathy
  • Study Skills
  • Red Ribbon Week
  • Generosity
  • Career Exploration and Readiness
  • Kindness and Positive Social Behavior
  • Test-Taking Skills
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Relaxation strategies

Parental consent is required for all individual and group school counseling services at GMSD. Under state and federal law, school counselors may provide support to students experiencing a crisis without parental consent. School counselors are trained to provide immediate support in crisis situations, including those involving threats to self or others. They are equipped to assess the situation, provide intervention, and connect students with the appropriate resources to ensure their safety and well-being.



Small Group Counseling

Small group counseling provides students with an opportunity to work toward common goals alongside their peers. These groups typically meet once a week for 3-6 weeks and focus on social-emotional development. Topics may include self-control, school success skills, coping with family changes (e.g., divorce), managing anxiety, and building friendship/social skills.

Groups are formed as needed, and students can be referred by a teacher, parent, or may self-refer. While the content of group sessions remains confidential, students are encouraged to share with their parents what they are learning.

Parental permission is required to participate in small group counseling. A completed GMSD counseling consent form is needed for all group participation.


Individual Counseling

Individual counseling sessions are available to support students with academic, social, or emotional concerns. Referrals can be made by parents, teachers, or the students themselves. While sessions are confidential, students are encouraged to discuss their counseling experiences with their parents, except in cases involving safety concerns.

To participate, a completed GMSD counseling consent form is required.


Any questions regarding school counseling can be directed at the school counseling coordinator, Christy Law at (901) 752-7900 Ext. 7877.

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