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Section 504 Plans

Understanding 504 Plans

A 504 Plan is designed to provide accommodations and support for students with disabilities to ensure they have equal access to education. Unlike an Individualized Education Program (IEP), which offers specialized instruction and services for students who qualify under specific disability categories, a 504 Plan focuses on removing barriers within the general education setting.

Both plans are crucial for supporting students, but they serve different purposes. If your child has a physical or mental impairment that impacts major life activities but does not require specialized instruction, a 504 Plan may be the right option. This page provides an overview of 504 Plans and how they work in GMSD.

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General Overview of Section 504 Process

Step 1: Referral is made to Section 504 School Level Coordinator.

Step 2: Schools sends Notice and Consent for Section 504 Evaluation and Parent Rights to parent. School may also ask for Release of Confidential Information to obtain outside service providers reports.

Step 3: Evaluation. School’s Section 504 Committee will collect data from a variety of sources, including all available information regarding food allergies, the nature and severity of the student’s food allergies, and the types of exposure that can result in the student having a food allergy-related reaction.

Step 4: 504 Meeting to determine eligibility for Section 504.

Step 5: Committee Determination of Eligibility

Step 6: Development of Section 504 Service Plan, if needed, based on Committee determination of eligibility. Verify the Individual Health Plan (IHP) for each student with a food allergy will provide all aids and services that are required by Section 504 and Title II.

Step 7: Reviews and Re-Evaluations: 504 Plans may be reviewed at least once a year. Eligibility determination reviewed every three years.

Step 8: Procedural Safeguard/Notice

Notification to parents is required with a: 

  • Determination of eligibility/ineligibility 
  • Significant change in programming/status 

The written permission of parents is required for additional information/data/tests.

504 Grievance Procedures

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