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School Social Workers

The Role of the School Social Worker 

School Social Workers are trained mental health professionals with a degree in social work who provide services related to a person's social, emotional, and life adjustment to school and/or society. School Social Workers are the link between the home, school, and community in providing direct as well as indirect services to students, families, and school personnel to promote and support students' academic and social success.


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At GMSD we care about the academic development and general well-being of our students. The following is a brief outline of the social work referral and service process within Germantown Municipal School District for student support beyond academics.

How are students served by School Social Workers?

  1. Student is referred to Social Worker: A teacher, parent, school counselor, administrator or student indentifies a concern and reaches out to the school social worker. 
  2. Parent or Guardian is contacted: The social worker contacts the parent or guardian to review concerns, obtain informed consent for services, and/or offer community referral. 
  3. Social Worker meets with Student: The social worker completes a psychosocial assessment, creates goals, and provides services. Families are encouraged to give feedback and ask questions as often as needed. 
  4. Services are Terminated: When goals are met or when student needs are identified that would be better served in another setting, services are terminated and/or appropriate referrals are provided. 

Ready? Contact a school counselor, teacher, or administrator for referral. 

Attention: Families have the right to refuse social work services. Social worker may meet with a student without written consent ONLY in a crisis situation where student safety is at-risk.

Examples of Referral Prompts: 

  • Mental or behavioral health concern
  • Food, clothing, housing, utility and other basic needs with community resource referral 
  • Chronic attendance and/or tardiness issue
  • Navigating government benefits (WIC, SNAP, TennCare, etc.) 
  • Accessing community medical or mental health providers
  • And so much more! 

Contact Info: 

If you feel that a student or family could benefit from the services of the School Social Worker, for K-8 needs, please contact Meg Canady. For high school needs, please contact Denise Fisher.