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Federal Programs

Ensuring transparency and accountability in how federal funds support our students and schools.

Required Parent Notification

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended in Dec. 2015 by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) makes it clear that Congress expects local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools receiving federal funds to ensure that parents are actively involved and knowledgeable about their schools and their children’s education. The law requires schools to give parents many different kinds of information and notices in a uniform and understandable format and, to the extent practicable, in a language that the parents can understand. Listed below are some of these required notices that must be made to parents by school districts or individual public schools.

How does GMSD receive federal dollars? 

GMSD accepts federal dollars for general education in the form of grants and Title funding.  Heres a helpful guide:

Title I

Title I was passed in 1965 under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). It is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. Title I programs receive extra funding (Title I dollars) from the federal government. These dollars are used to:

  • Identify students experiencing academic difficulties and provide assistance to help these students;
  • Hire additional personnel
  • Purchase supplemental programs, materials, and/or supplies; and
  • Conduct parent and family engagement meetings, trainings, events, and/or activities
  • GMSD runs Title I funded Targeted Assistance Programs for middle school math at Riverdale and Houston Middle School.

Title II

Title II supports district wide professional development.  (Contact Dr. Theodore Fuller)

Title III

Title III supports ESL instruction.  (Contact Dr. Theodore Fuller)

Title IV

Title IV supports Well Rounded Student programs, Safe and Healthy Schools, and Technology Education.  (Contact Dr. Theodore Fuller)

Carl Perkins Grant

C. Perkins Grant supports CTE programs. (Contact Ethan Constant)

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