Dogwood Elementary students celebrate Crazy Chemist Day with hands-on experiments

Submitted by Joye Phipps 
Experiment with balloonGermantown, TN--November 1, 2021--Dogwood's 5th grade turned the school into a science lab last week. Students grabbed their lab coats for Crazy Chemist Day.  They were able to perform many fun experiments: tallest towers, chicken in a cup, lava lamp, flying particles, and fizz inflators. This brings in learning and fun.  Mrs. Guynes shared, "My favorite part was creating a lava lamp!  The science behind it is so fascinating. Seeing the students watching the reactions was so much fun." The grand finale is always the Coke and Mentos explosion. This excitement runs throughout the whole school and all grade levels look forward to their turn to be a DES Crazy Chemist.