The Class of 2024 Celebrates with Senior Sunrise

By Student Reporter Ava Tignor

The campus of Houston High School came alive bright and early last Friday as students gathered for the eagerly anticipated Senior Sunrise event. With alarm clocks ringing students flocked to the school's grounds at the early hour of 5:30 AM to share in a tradition that brings together friends, donuts, coffee, and an abundance of photographs.

Witty senior shirts, made to display the personality of the maker, were seen across the field as students talked with friends and shared this milestone of a morning together. 

"Senior Sunrise is all about coming together as a senior class for the first time," said senior Sarah Hochman, who came dressed in her "scarlet fever" senior shirt. "Even though the sky is foggy, we can all see our friendships and the people that have helped us get to this point as clear as day."

For many attendees, the event wasn't complete without capturing the moment through countless photos. Digital cameras and smartphones were wielded with enthusiasm, ensuring that each smile, embrace, and candid pose was documented to commemorate the morning.

"It's not every day we get to watch the sunrise surrounded by our friends," said Grace Magnini. "This is one of those experiences that you don't realize how special it is until you're right in the middle of it."

With hearts full of hope and nostalgia, the seniors bid adieu to the event, carrying with them the warmth of the sunrise and the promise of a bright future
