Germantown Board of Education August business meeting information

During the Germantown Board of Education August business meeting , we prepared to focus on celebrating our subject and grade level staff who have achieved top three rankings in the state.


The board business meeting agenda includes the revision of policies for second reading, encompassing a range of topics such as emergency planning, security measures, student surveys, admissions, wellness, health, and more. Additionally, the Board will vote on the first reading revisions to policies related to charter schools, class size ratios, virtual schooling, employee complaints, attendance, and zero tolerance offenses. The meeting will also address miscellaneous budget amendments and board action items, including the approval of purchases for student and teacher laptops, school fees and activity costs for the upcoming academic year, and the renewal of stop loss insurance for the fiscal year 2023-24.

All of our Germantown Board of Education Meetings are held in person in our GMSD Board/Community Room. Meetings are also live-streamed on our the GMSD youtube channel linked here: 
