Foreign Language Committee » FLC Meeting Minutes 05.17.17

FLC Meeting Minutes 05.17.17

May 17, 2017


Foreign Language Committee Meeting Minutes

May 17, 2017

4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.


Committee Purpose

=       As Germantown Municipal Schools continues to develop, a thorough analysis of our foreign language programs will be conducted.  GMSD is forming a new committee to explore the options to expand programs.

=       A team of dedicated foreign language educators from middle and high school have been assembled, along with a panel of administrators, to represent their peers and colleagues in the process.

=       Germantown community members were also invited to serve on this committee. GMSD administration in partnership with school level leadership will provide feedback to the Academic Advancement team.

Member Introductions

o   Germantown Municipal School District Staff

=       Melissa Hurt, Instructional Supervisor, serving as the Chairperson of this Committee      

=       Dr. Meredith Park, Director of Academics

=       Kate Crowder, Communications

o   Germantown Municipal School Board Liason

=       Amy Eoff

o   School Level Administration

=       Michelle Bardos, Riverdale School

=       Ashley Brasfield, Farmington Elementary

=       Heather Fisher, Dogwood Elementary

=       Jessica Woody, Houston Middle School

o   Foreign Language Teachers

=       Dr. Abigail Simone, Houston High School

=       Angela Darder, Riverdale

=       Katie Riley, Houston Middle

o   Community Members

=       Tatyana Rawla, Farmington

=       Dana Eckenhoff, Riverdale

Role of the Committee

o   Gain an understanding of current programs at each school and collect feedback from our schools and the community

o   Roles of the committee are established:

=       Immediate voice of the community

=       Develop community survey

=       Review community feedback via survey results

District Administration divides the groups into parent/school administrator/teacher/district staff quartets for the guided discussion.

o   Parents/Community Members are asked to share their current experience and impressions with the foreign language program in the district.

o   Teachers were asked to share information about the current programs in their schools.

o   School Administrators were asked to share the impacts of foreign language on scheduling.

Chairperson shows the historic and current foreign language opportunities in our schools.

o   2015-2016

o   2016-2017

o   2017-2018

Academic Advancement shares department vision of “equitable educational opportunities” in developing a high quality programs—making sure that children across schools have the same options and availabilities.

Next Steps

o   Survey development will occur via meetings and email after the summer. 

=       Members will submit possible questions which will be shared with the group

=       At next meeting, the first objective will be to discuss any survey questions.

=       It is agreed to release the survey after back-to-school events have concluded.

=       Next meeting, will therefore be scheduled for Fall of 2017.